Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chili Cookoff -- Fall is Official Here

The Madison Chili Cookoff was this past weekend and it was a fun event....and that means  Fall is officially here.  If you didn't attend the Cookoff, make sure that you put it on your calendar for next year.  It was lots of fun and well attended.  I was working a booth so I didn't get to taste all the different varieties submitted, but my husband had a bit of one and he was still sweating when he found me in the Park.  Good chili, he admitted, but he did have to find a "cold" drink to cool off his taste buds.

With Fall officially here, it is time to change out the color in the City Containers.  I know that some of you are not going to be happy with me when I take out those summer plants that still look good; but the pansies need to get their roots established before the really cold weather comes along.  So just to make you feel a little better I thought I'd share a few pictures of what is to come.  I'm still running back and forth to the nurseries to get the varieties that are coming on -- pansies really aren't happy unless they get cool weather -- and we are just now getting those 50 degree nights. 

How sweet is this -- Dynamite Blueberry Thrill -- it almost sizzles.  The Dynamite series is such a good one that any of the colors will make you happy, but I admit that I'm partial to this one.

How about adding Snapdragon Liberty Yellow to Blueberry Thrill to compliment the yellow in the pansy face.

Snapdragons will continue to give you color through the season if you remember to keep them deadheaded.

And speaking of snapdragons.....take a gander at this.....

Is that not awesome.   Down right "snappy" if I say so myself.....groan.

Okay one more teaser and then I need to get to more designing. 

Sorbet Pink Wing....yeah, I know it looks more lavender....but I wasn't in charge of naming so don't blame me.  It's still a pretty little thing.  The pansies are moving out of the nurseries fast so don't wait too long before you make your choices. 

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