Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lysimachia Persian Chocolate

I have been in love with Lysimachia 'Creeping Jenny' for years.  Mainly because of its bright yellow color that adds so much to a container -- talk about an awesome "spiller".  But this year I found Lysimachia 'Persian Chocolate', and while its color isn't as exciting as Jenny, it makes up for it in tenacity.  Heat, sun, shade, lack of water -- none of them slowed down its growth or its beauty. 

The rose colored stems and new growth give this plant a bright, lively look. Depending on whether it gets sun or shade -- and it does great in both situations -- the older leaves will take on a dark brown shade (sun) or more green look (shade).  Against the backdrop of the dark green City containers it doesn't stand out as well as it could.  But can you see it against a white pot? 

I also planted some in the ground and have left them there to see how they fair this winter.  They are zone 6-9 so I'm expecting good things.  And since I have some in pots, I'm going to leave those in place along with the winter violas and kales.  I'll update the map when I'm done to let you know where they are.

Speaking of that, we have moved containers all around the town.  Lots more on Main Street this time, so the map will really look different. 

Working hard on getting the winter color change out but it is taking me longer this time because I'm cleaning out the soil debris and amending it with some peat moss in the hopes that it will help retain more moisture.  Remember those grasses we talked about last time...egads, they were monsters to get out of the pots.  Thanks to hubby Tom and his machete -- roots, roots, roots -- no wonder the poor verbena and lantana struggled to survive.  Someone in the trade told me that if lantana doesn't get enough water/nutrients they will think it is time to go "to seed" -- guess that explains why I had more seed than flowers this year. 

Time to play in the dirt and get those pansies settled in.

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